Tuesday, April 13, 2010


I am mortified by the recent return of an adopted Russian buy.  If you haven't heard, a boy (now age 7) was adopted from Russia by a family in Tennessee last year (September, I believe).  This past week, the boy's adopted Grandmother (GRANDMOTHER, not mother) bought him a one way ticket and put him on a plane back to Russia, hired a driver, and had him delievered to the Russian education ministry--unannounced!!! 

What in the world possessed this woman to do something so henious, especially to a child!  And not just any child, but one who has had more heartache than any child should have to deal with!!  It breaks my heart and I just want to cry.  I have such a heart for parentless children (surprising, since I'm not crazy about kids).  For as long as I can remember I have wanted to adopt an unwanted child--to choose to provide a home to someone without one. 

I think what gets me more than anything is that it was the GRANDMOTHER!!!!!  Where was the adopted mother in this?  I get that things were hard--they will never be easy with adoption!  I get that there are struggles, but to completely disregard not only your legal obligations, but also your moral obligations with taking this child in and promising to love them as your own. 

According to an article on CNN, the boy--Justin--cried that he missed his grandmother--the same woman who deliberately abandoned him! I really really hope that there is some way this woman will be prosecuted.  She has single-handedly threatened adoption-relations between the U.S. and Russia. 

I'll say it again, this just makes me cry. 

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